Tips to Increase Speed of your WordPress Website

Published on: February 24 ,2024

Increase Speed of your WordPress Website

WordPress is a robust CMS that provides companies with the ability to create dynamic user experiences. It is a user-friendly admin that allows the admin of the website and publishers full control of their online presence.

Studies show that loading speeds of more than 2 seconds result in a 47% bounce rate. The bounce rate represents the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave rather than continuing to view other pages on the website.

Luckily, there are many ways you can get your WordPress website speed up and outperform competitors.

1. Choose a good hosting server

Website servers are one of the prime factors that influence the speed of the website. A good website hosting server is the foundation of a successful website. When searching for a hosting server, it might seem like a good idea to host your website on a shared hosting provider. However, your website will most probably deliver a poor performance because you are sharing the same server with thousands of other sites. If this happens, then expect torpid loading and endless downtime.

2. Reduce image sizes

Image sizes play a vital role in the size of a page. Large images can slow down the loading time of the website too. To fix this, you have to reduce the size of your website images without compromising on quality.

The ones worth mentioning are:

1 – WP Smush
2 – Imagify Image Optimiser
3 – Optimus – WordPress Image Optimiser
4 – Tinypng website tool

By using any of the above tools will make a drastic improvement in your overall website performance. Just make sure to repeat this process regularly every two weeks.

3. Use a CDN

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) allows you to serve content the webpage to a visitor from the nearest possible location. CDN keeps a replica of your website in various data centers in different geographical locations.

Cloudflare, Akamai, and Amazon CloudFront are among the most popular CDN services.

4. Enable caching

There are many advantages of adding caching to your website. It speeds up and increases the performance of your WordPress site. Cached files load with lightning speed as compared to dynamic database queries, which lead to much faster loading time on your website. Caching also helps with sending requests to the server sooner. We recommend you to use WP Rocket OR W3 Total Cache for your website. It is simple to install and a must-have plugin for any WordPress website.

5. Optimise your WordPress database

Optimizing the WordPress database means eliminating any unwanted data from the database, which helps us to keep its size to a minimum. It’s also necessary to remove all spam comments, old drafts, unwanted users, unwanted themes, and unwanted plugins.
All of this will reduce the size of the database and files. Thus improve the performance of your WordPress Website.

We prefer the WP-Optimize plugin. It automatically scans and removes unwanted data, such as spam, post revisions, drafts, tables, and fake comments.

Reducing the website loading time will help remarkably in enhancing the experience of your visitors. If you’d prefer to talk to the Poppy Pulse team, click here and arrange a call with one of our WordPress experts today.

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